adjustedCurves - Confounder-Adjusted Survival Curves and Cumulative Incidence Functions
Estimate and plot confounder-adjusted survival curves using either 'Direct Adjustment', 'Direct Adjustment with Pseudo-Values', various forms of 'Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting', two forms of 'Augmented Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting', 'Empirical Likelihood Estimation' or 'Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation'. Also includes a significance test for the difference between two adjusted survival curves and the calculation of adjusted restricted mean survival times. Additionally enables the user to estimate and plot cause-specific confounder-adjusted cumulative incidence functions in the competing risks setting using the same methods (with some exceptions). For details, see Denz et. al (2023) <doi:10.1002/sim.9681>.
Last updated 1 months ago
7.93 score 37 stars 93 scripts 789 downloads
simDAG - Simulate Data from a DAG and Associated Node Information
Simulate complex data from a given directed acyclic graph and information about each individual node. Root nodes are simply sampled from the specified distribution. Child Nodes are simulated according to one of many implemented regressions, such as logistic regression, linear regression, poisson regression and more. Also includes a comprehensive framework for discrete-time simulation, which can generate even more complex longitudinal data.
Last updated 2 days ago
7.69 score 11 stars 77 scripts 428 downloads
contsurvplot - Visualize the Effect of a Continuous Variable on a Time-to-Event Outcome
Graphically display the (causal) effect of a continuous variable on a time-to-event outcome using multiple different types of plots based on g-computation. Those functions include, among others, survival area plots, survival contour plots, survival quantile plots and 3D surface plots. Due to the use of g-computation, all plot allow confounder-adjustment naturally. For details, see Robin Denz, Nina Timmesfeld (2023) <doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000001630>.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.53 score 12 stars 56 scripts 407 downloadsCareDensity - Calculate the Care Density or Fragmented Care Density Given a Patient-Sharing Network
Given a patient-sharing network, calculate either the classic care density as proposed by Pollack et al. (2013) <doi:10.1007/s11606-012-2104-7> or the fragmented care density as proposed by Engels et al. (2024) <doi:10.1186/s12874-023-02106-0>. By utilizing the 'igraph' and 'data.table' packages, the provided functions scale well for very large graphs.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.18 score 1 stars 6 scripts 576 downloads