In this small vignette, we give more detailed examples on how best to
use the formula
argument in the node()
functions. This argument allows users to directly
specify the full structural equation that should be used to generate the
respective node in a clear and easy way, that does not directly rely on
the parents
, betas
and associated arguments.
Note that the formula
argument may only be used with
certain node types, as mentioned in the documentation.
We will start with a very simple example. Suppose we want to generate some data from a simple DAG with no time-varying variables. Consider the following DAG:
dag <- empty_dag() +
node("A", type="rnorm", mean=0, sd=1) +
node("B", type="rbernoulli", p=0.5, output="numeric") +
node("C", type="rcategorical", probs=c(0.3, 0.2, 0.5),
output="factor", labels=c("low", "medium", "high"))
This DAG contains only three root nodes of different types. A is normally distributed, B is Bernoulli distributed and C is a simple categorical variable with the levels “low”, “medium” and “high”. If we generate data from this DAG alone, it would look like this:
dat <- sim_from_dag(dag, n_sim=10)
#> A B C
#> <num> <num> <fctr>
#> 1: -0.8041685 0 low
#> 2: 1.3390885 0 medium
#> 3: 0.9455804 0 high
#> 4: -2.3437852 1 low
#> 5: -0.9045554 1 medium
#> 6: 0.8532361 1 medium
Suppose we now want to generate an additional child node called D which should be based on a linear regression model of the form:
D ∼ −8 + A ⋅ 0.4 + B ⋅ −2 + N(0, 1.5).
We could do this using the node()
function, by supplying
appropriate values to the parents
, betas
and error
arguments. The following
code could be used:
dag_without_formula <- dag +
node("D", type="gaussian", parents=c("A", "B"), betas=c(0.4, -2),
intercept=-8, error=1.5)
This does work just fine, but it may be a little cumbersome to
specify the DAG in this way. Since we want to use a linear regression
model, we could instead use the formula
argument like
Given the same random number generator seed, the same output will be produced from both DAGs, as shown below:
dat1 <- sim_from_dag(dag_without_formula, n_sim=100)
dat2 <- sim_from_dag(dag_with_formula, n_sim=100)
all.equal(dat1, dat2)
#> [1] TRUE
Formulas should always start with a ~
sign and have
nothing else on the left hand side. All parts of the formula should be
connected by +
signs, never -
signs. The name
of the respective variable should always be connected to the associated
coefficient by a *
sign. It does not matter whether the
name of the term or the coefficient go first, but it has to be
consistent in a formula. For example, ~ 1 + A*2 + B*3
works, and ~ 1 + 2*A + 3*B
also works, but
~ 1 + 2*A + B*2
will produce an error. The formula may also
be supplied as a string and will produce the same output.
Apart from being easier to read, this also allows the user a lot more options. Through the use of formulas it is possible to specify nodes that have categorical parents. It is also possible to include any order of interaction effects and cubic terms using formulas, as shown below.
Suppose that D should additionally depend on C, a categorical variable. For example, suppose this is the regression model we want to generate data from:
D ∼ −8 + A ⋅ 0.4 + B ⋅ −2 + Cmedium ⋅ −1 + Chigh ⋅ −3 + N(0, 1.5).
In this model, the “low” category is used as a reference category. If
this is what we want to do, using the simple parents
, intercept
approach no longer works. We
have to use a formula. Fortunately, this is really simple to do using
the following code:
dag2 <- dag +
node("D", type="gaussian", error=1.5,
formula=~ -8 + A*0.4 + B*-2 + Cmedium*-1 + Chigh*-3,
parents=c("A", "B", "C"))
Essentially, all we have to do is use the name of the categorical variable immediately followed by the category name. Note that if a different reference category should be used, the user needs to re-define the factor levels of the categorical variable accordingly first.
Note that we also defined the parents
argument in this
case. This is not strictly necessary to generate the data in this case,
but it is recommended whenever categorical variables are used in a
for two reasons:
is not specified, the
function will not know that C is a parent of D. If sort_dag=TRUE
and/or the nodes are not specified in a correctly topologically sorted
order, this may lead to errors when trying to generate the data.parents
is not specified, other
functions that take DAG objects as input (such as the
function) may produce incorrect output, because
they won’t know that C is a
parent of D.Interactions of any sort may also be added to the DAG. Suppose we want to generate data from the following regression model:
D ∼ −8 + A ⋅ 0.4 + B ⋅ −2 + A * B ⋅ −5 + N(0, 1.5),
where A * B
indicates the interaction between A and B. This can be specified in the
argument using the :
Since both A and B are coded as numeric variables here, this works fine. If we instead want to include an interaction which includes a categorical variable, we again have to use the name with the respective category appended to it. For example, the following DAG includes an interaction between A and C:
dag4 <- dag +
node("D", type="gaussian", error=1.5,
formula=~ -8 + A*0.4 + B*-2 + Cmedium*-1 + Chigh*-3 + A:Cmedium*0.3 +
parents=c("A", "B", "C"))
Higher order interactions may be specified in exactly the same way,
just using more :
symbols. It may not always be obvious in
which order the variables for the interaction need to be specified. If
the “wrong” order was used, the sim_from_dag()
will return a helpful error message explaining which ones should be used
instead. For example, if we had used “Cmedium:A” instead of “A:Cmedium”,
this would not work because internally only the latter is recognized as
a valid column. Note that because C is categorical, we also specified
the parents
argument here just to be safe.
Sometimes we also want to include non-linear relationships between a continuous variable and the outcome in a data generation process. This can be done by including cubic terms of that variable in a formula. Suppose the regression model that we want to use has the following form:
D ∼ −8 + A ⋅ 0.4 + A2 ⋅ 0.02 + B ⋅ −2 + N(0, 1.5).
The following code may be used to define such as node:
dag_with_formula <- dag +
node("D", type="gaussian", formula= ~ -8 + A*0.4 + I(A^2)*0.02 + B*-2,
Users may of course use as many cubic terms as they like.
There is also direct support for including functions in the formula as well. For example, it is allowed to call any function on the beta coefficients, which is useful to specify betas on a different scale (for example using Odds-Ratios instead of betas). For example:
is valid syntax. Any function can be used in the place of
, as long as it is a single function that is called on
a beta-coefficient. It is also possible to use functions on the
variables themselves. However, it is required to wrap them in a
call. For example, using something like
~ -3 + log(A)*0.5 + B*0.2
would not work, but
~ -3 + I(log(A))*0.5 + B*0.2
is valid syntax. Although
supported in most cases, we strongly advise against using function names
with special characters. These might lead to weird errors when random
effects or random slopes are also contained in the
Although not recommended, it is possible to use variable names
containing special characters in formula
, by escaping them
using the usual R syntax. For example, if the user wanted to use
as a variable name and use that variable as a
parent node in a formula
, this could be done using the
following code:
dag_with_fun <- dag +
node("this-var", type="binomial", formula= ~ -3 + A*log(0.5) + B*0.2) +
node("D", type="binomial", formula= ~ 5 + `this-var`*0.3)
There are, however, six special characters that may not be used in
: spaces, +
, *
, )
and |
. Errors may be
produced when using these characters in variable names, because they are
used internally to figure out which variables belong together and how
(the latter three mostly for mixed model syntax). It is best to avoid
special characters though, just to be safe.
Currently, three node types ("gaussian"
and "poisson"
) directly allow the
user to specify random effects and random slopes in the
. These should be specified exactly as they would be
in a regular call to the lmer()
function. For example,
consider the following DAG
dag_mixed <- empty_dag() +
node("School", type="rcategorical", probs=rep(0.1, 10),
labels=LETTERS[1:10]) +
node("Age", type="rnorm", mean=12, sd=2) +
node("Grade", type="gaussian", formula= ~ -2 + Age*1.2 + (1|School),
error=1, var_corr=0.3)
Here, we have a School
variable in which students of
different Age
s are nested. To simulate the
of each student, we want to use a random intercept
per School
, so we simply add the classic
term to the formula
. Whenever this
is done, the var_corr
argument also has to be specified,
which allows users to control the standard deviation of the random
effects. Internally, the makeLmer()
functions form the simr
package are
used to simulate these types of nodes. Please consult the documentation
of that package for details on how to specify more complex mixed model
structures, for example using multiple correlated random effects.
In principle, arbitrary amounts of random effects can be added.
Random slopes can similarly be defined using the standard syntax. In the
following DAG
, we use a random slope for Age
per School
in addition to the random effect of
var_corr <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1), 2)
dag_mixed <- empty_dag() +
node("School", type="rcategorical", probs=rep(0.1, 10),
labels=LETTERS[1:10]) +
node("Age", type="rnorm", mean=12, sd=2) +
node("Grade", type="gaussian", formula= ~ -2 + Age*1.2 + (Age|School),
error=1, var_corr=var_corr)
Note that in this example, we defined the correlation between the
random effect and slopes using arbitrarily picked numbers using the
argument. Because of the much more complex DGP and
the computational overhead required to re-structure the data internally,
simulations including mixed model syntax is usually much slower than
simulations without them. In small samples this is not an issue, but
very large values for n_sim
or using these specifications
in discrete-time simulations with large max_t
may be
difficult in some cases.
Sometimes it may be useful to define the causal coefficients in
external variables, for example when writing a function that creates a
objects with some set coefficients. This is supported
through the use of the eval()
function as well. For
beta_coef <- log(0.5)
dag_with_external <- dag +
node("D", type="binomial", formula= ~ -3 + A*eval(beta_coef) + B*0.2)
is valid syntax. Note that this only works if the variable wrapped in
the eval()
function call is defined in the same environment
in which the DAG
object is being created. If this is not
the case, some weird error messages may be produced, depending on the
code used. Another option is to put the formula together as a string
before passing it to node()
like this:
beta_coef <- log(0.5)
form_D <- paste("~ -3 + A*", beta_coef, "+ B*0.2")
dag_with_external <- dag +
node("D", type="binomial", formula=form_D)
Since formula
may always also be passed as a single
string, this is perfectly valid syntax and might allow users even more
flexibility when creating formulas inside functions.
One of the great things about this package is that users can supply
any function to the type
argument of
and node_td()
, as long as it fulfills
some minimal requirements (as described in ?node_custom
Whenever such a function is supplied, users may still use the enhanced
Internally, whenever an enhanced formula
is supplied to
or node_td()
, the formula is parsed to
extract all variable names and beta-coefficients. If cubic terms,
interactions or levels of categorical parent nodes are included in
, the data will be re-structured in a way that it
includes a single column for each term in formula
. Consider
the following example:
custom_fun <- function(data, parents, betas, intercept) {
return(rep(1, nrow(data)))
dag_custom <- empty_dag() +
node(c("A", "B"), type="rnorm", mean=0, sd=1) +
node("C", type="rcategorical", probs=c(0.5, 0.5), labels=c("lev1", "lev2"))
Here, we defined a custom function for a node called
, which really only returns 1, regardless of the
input. However, it also prints the first few lines of the input
, the parents
, the betas
the intercept
it is passed, so that we can see whats going
on under the hood. Next, we defined some arbitrary DAG
containing two numerical root nodes and a binary root node. Here is what
happens if we use custom_fun
with a formula
dag_custom2 <- dag_custom +
node("Y", type=custom_fun, formula= ~ -5 + A*2 + B*-0.4)
data <- sim_from_dag(dag_custom2, n_sim=10)
#> A B
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: -0.56047565 1.2240818
#> 2: -0.23017749 0.3598138
#> 3: 1.55870831 0.4007715
#> 4: 0.07050839 0.1106827
#> 5: 0.12928774 -0.5558411
#> 6: 1.71506499 1.7869131
#> [1] "A" "B"
#> [1] 2.0 -0.4
#> [1] -5
We can see that it simply took the data
that was
required and printed it. Note that in the node()
definition, we did not need to specify the parents
or intercept
arguments of the custom
node, all we had to do was pass it the enhanced formula
it happily extracted this information from it and passed it to
directly. The only requirement for this to work
is that custom_fun
does have these arguments. Now lets see
what happens with special terms in formula
dag_custom2 <- dag_custom +
node("Y", type=custom_fun, formula= ~ -5 + A*2 + B*-0.4 + A:B*0.1 +
I(A^2)*-0.1 + Clev2*0.2)
data <- sim_from_dag(dag_custom2, n_sim=10)
#> A B A:B I(A^2) Clev2
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0.4264642 -0.6947070 -0.29626767 0.18187173 0
#> 2: -0.2950715 -0.2079173 0.06135046 0.08706718 1
#> 3: 0.8951257 -1.2653964 -1.13268875 0.80124995 1
#> 4: 0.8781335 2.1689560 1.90463287 0.77111842 0
#> 5: 0.8215811 1.2079620 0.99243873 0.67499547 0
#> 6: 0.6886403 -1.1231086 -0.77341778 0.47422540 1
#> [1] "A" "B" "A:B" "I(A^2)" "Clev2"
#> [1] 2.0 -0.4 0.1 -0.1 0.2
#> [1] -5
Now we can see a slightly different picture. Instead of simply
returning the relevant parts of data
, the function has
re-structured it in a way similar to the model.matrix()
function, allowing us to directly apply the betas
to it.
Note that the betas
will always be in the right order,
meaning that the first entry in betas
corresponds to the
first term named in parents
. The following code is an
example how one could re-build a linear regression using this
custom_linreg <- function(data, parents, betas, intercept) {
intercept + rowSums(mapply("*", data, betas)) +
rnorm(n=nrow(data), mean=0, sd=1)
dag_custom3 <- dag_custom +
node("Y", type=custom_linreg, formula= ~ -5 + A*2 + B*-0.4 + A:B*0.1 +
I(A^2)*-0.1 + Clev2*0.2)
data <- sim_from_dag(dag_custom3, n_sim=100)
#> A B C Y
#> <num> <num> <char> <num>
#> 1: 0.3796395 1.0527115 lev1 -4.841552
#> 2: -0.5023235 -1.0491770 lev1 -4.906313
#> 3: -0.3332074 -1.2601552 lev1 -4.857700
#> 4: -1.0185754 3.2410399 lev2 -7.542767
#> 5: -1.0717912 -0.4168576 lev2 -6.029375
#> 6: 0.3035286 0.2982276 lev2 -4.522188
Here, we simply calculate the linear predictor using the sum of the
rows after multiplying each value with the corresponding
coefficient and add a normally distributed error term
with standard deviation of 1 afterwards. Of course users can use this
type of strategy for much more complex node types. Note that the
intercept is not required to be there. By omitting it from the supplied
function, it will automatically no longer be required in
(and will be ignored if still specified):
# same as before, but without an intercept (same as setting intercept=0)
custom_linreg2 <- function(data, parents, betas) {
rowSums(mapply("*", data, betas)) +
rnorm(n=nrow(data), mean=0, sd=1)
dag_custom4 <- dag_custom +
node("Y", type=custom_linreg2, formula= ~ A*2 + B*-0.4 + A:B*0.1 +
I(A^2)*-0.1 + Clev2*0.2)
data <- sim_from_dag(dag_custom4, n_sim=100)
#> A B C Y
#> <num> <num> <char> <num>
#> 1: 0.8719650 -0.8338436 lev1 2.4685174
#> 2: -0.3484724 0.5787224 lev1 -0.3442883
#> 3: 0.5185038 -1.0875807 lev2 2.2053315
#> 4: -0.3906850 1.4840309 lev1 -3.1403262
#> 5: -1.0927872 -1.1862066 lev2 -1.1321410
#> 6: 1.2100105 0.1010792 lev2 3.4132667
Note that if you passed the custom_linreg
function to
the node()
call above instead, you would receive an error
message because of the missing intercept. All of this of course also
works with time-dependent nodes specified using node_td()